Quarantine Tacos

These are #quarantinecooking tacos, almost three weeks into the stay at home order. What the stores look like is that the farmers have decided to sell their CSA (community sponsored agriculture) boxes to customers rather than sell to the stores who only want particular things. What that means is that our local grocery store had jalapenos and two heads of cabbage, three tomatoes, no citrus.

From the freezer we found

  • individually packed salmon (with skin on)
  • package of naan
In the pantry
  • canned black beans
In the refrigerator
  • lime (a little worse for the wear, and yellow but I am assured it is a lime)
  • partial tomato
  • half a cabbage
  • canned corn salsa (made with my one jalapeno and some drained, canned diced tomatoes because I did not have tomatoes yet)


  1. Skin the salmon and cut into chunks. Make a dredge with flour, cornstarch and chorizo seasoning or your favorite fish seasoning
  2. Fry chunks
  3. Slightly drain the black beans and put in a pot with 1/4 tsp garlic powder, cumin and chili powder - heat up
  4. Make slaw
  5. Toast frozen naan or just thaw in microwave
  6. Build your tostada/naan taco/sope with what you have
