Egg Fu Young Soup

When spring is rainy and gloomy, and just a little chilly, and I am huuuuungy like a mother, this kind of stuff comes out of my refrigerator - kind of like garbage soup where anything goes, but I wanted egg drop soup and with the leftover broccoli slaw and onions, it tasted like egg fu young.

2 T coconut oil
1 onion, diced
4 C broth (I had about 2 cups of vegetable stock and 2 cups of chicken stock)
1 t fish sauce
1 t sesame oil (although I think I forgot this and it tasted good anyway)
1/2 t ginger (I had ground ginger)
4-5 eggs, scrambled (my eggs looked a little less than large, so I used 5)
salt and pepper to taste
handfuls of broccoli slaw or grated carrot and grated broccoli
green onion to garnish on top

Saute onions in coconut oil, add broth and flavor, get it boiling while eggs are scrambled.  Taste broth, adjust seasoning, and swish veggies in broth. Don't overcook. Stir soup and drizzle eggs into boiling broth. Serve with green onion.


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