The problem with mini "staycations (Kona Village) is that Sunday comes and not only are there errands to run and people to drive around, but Sunday dinner is still on. I rushed back to Hilo (about 2 hours away), went home to find out that my son had the house key, went to find him at the beach, waited for him for another hour while he was at a birthday party, then took him to batting. While waiting to take him back to the beach, I put the lau and deli roll into the slow cooker for dinner. When we finally came back from the beach, the laulau was still cooking. At 5 pm, with a 6 pm dinner, it was time for
Plan B!!!
Mom's "When We Were Really Poor and Cod was Really Cheap" Plan B dinner
1 package of black cod steaks (no need to defrost)
tomatoes, chunked
onions, thinly sliced
garlic salt and pepper to taste
Put ingredients in a pot, cover and cook until fish is cooked. Don't need to stir. This "fish stew" is even better the next day.
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