Shoyu Chicken

This is the basic simmered shoyu chicken thighs. No pre-soak required, but if you slice near the bone on both sides, the shoyu can soak into the chicken while it's cooking.  To make it fancy, while the chicken is cooking, you can cook some udon noodles to put on the platter. If you also parboil a bag of bean sprouts and put that over the udon, you will have a nice crunch.

  • 5 lbs. chicken thighs, thawed, patted dry
  • 1/2 c. shoyu
  • 3 T. sugar
  • 1 T. oyster sauce
  • 3 T. sake
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 thumb ginger, crushed
  1. In a large pot, bring all ingredients but the chicken to a boil. Add chicken thighs and simmer, covered, for 45 minutes or less, depending on the size of the thighs. 
  2. While chicken is simmering, rearrange the pieces every so often so the chicken gets an even shoyu bath.
  3. When chicken is done, take it out, and if you want, mix some cornstarch and water paste into the liquid to make a thicker gravy for the chicken.


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